Have you ever thought that what you see is sometimes different from what you are really seeing?
The famous Arcimboldo's "Vegetables In A Bowl Or The Gardener" painting is a clear example ....

September 22, 2011


Investments in private-label packaging could help retailers grow store-brand share, Carla Cooper, president and chief executive officer of Daymon Worldwide told retailer attendees at the Private Brand Movement conference.

"Consumers can only take in two maybe three messages at once. Every national brand is aware of this and they're working to draw attention to themselves," Cooper said.

"You can advertise and market all you want but at the end of the day packaging is literally the voice of the brand on the shelf and later when it gets home," she said. "Every single design decision you make is influential because design drives sales."

Retailers who've gotten it right use clean, straightforward store-brand packaging that removes "noise" from the shelf. Designs that connect emotionally with shoppers are also best in class. Cooper offered as example Kraft's new Macaroni & Cheese packaging that features a smile-shaped noodle.
Source: Supermarket News

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